$479.00 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

please note:  This is a non refundable registration fee - I'm not trying to be an ass there is a very specific reason for this policy behind the scenes due to the intimacy and details we create for you all in the room.  I am also not able to give a credit in my other business offerings should you register and not be able to attend.  Thank you for understanding. 

Camp 2024 Payment Plan Registration

Camp Cultivate 2024 Registration

Location: Hyatt Lost Pines Resort - SW of Austin, Texas (and 20 mins from the airport)

Dates: May 5: at 4:30 pm - Check out May 9 in the AM

Camp finishes in the evening of May 8, 2023, and we recommend leaving the morning of the 9th for gentle re-entry to the chaos of everyday life (trust me on this one - there is a connection magic that happens on the final evening).

Please plan to be in the room at 4 on opening day.  It is the most important day. 


  • We have a room block (309$ per room- regularly $600), and you can book your room at the Hyatt Lost Pines with that discounted rate.
  • I will email you when that is available, and if you want to share a room, I can connect you with others who might want to, too.  
  • The event fee covers the event registration, hearty morning and afternoon snacks and refreshments in the meeting room, and a garden party with hors d'oeuvres on the closing evening. Travel, accommodations, and other meals on-site are not included in the event fee.  There are 4-5 restaurants on site and there are more options in the nearest town. 


Love, Allison

My smile is for you...and the anticipatory joy I feel from getting to spend this time with you.